Thursday, April 2, 2009

Remove Downadup/Conficker/Kido Worm from your PC

Conficker worm is the most widespread worm in today's date. It has been making news since last few weeks.
This worm is one of the most deadly worm which attacks your network and modify your system settings. It gets launched automatically at system startup and stays in memory in stealth mode to prevent its detection. It spreads itself through pen drives, network holes and it also features a method of cracking administrator password.
Almost all the antivirus vendors have released separate tools to remove the worm. These standalone programs do not require any installation. Just download, unzip/extract if required and then run on the infected PC.

There are lot of tools available on web which can remove various versions of Conficker aka Downadup aka Kido worm.

Some Conficker Removal or Deletion tools are as follows:
1. Avert Stinger Standalone tool from McAfee
2. F-Secure Worm:W32/Downadup.AL Removal Tool from F-Secure
3. Symantec W32.Downadup Removal Tool from Symantec
4. Conficker Single PC Removal Tool from Bitdefender
5. Conficker Network Removal Tool from Bitdefender

You can download any of the above tools to remove conficker or downadup or kiddo virus from your computer safely. Leave a comment if none to the above tools works for you.

MSPGCL Tenders as on 17/1/2024